
FandCFaith & Culture: The Guide to a Culture Shaped by Faith

Renew Your Sense of Wonder; Refresh Your Creativity (Zondervan/Harper Collins 2011)

Short, daily readings in Theology, History, Philosophy, Science, Literature, Arts, Contemporary Culture (hardback title: A Faith and Culture Devotional)

Written with Kelly Monroe Kullberg (Finding God at Harvard), Faith and Culture offers a guided tour through many of the paintings, laboratories, rock arenas, great books, mass movements, and private lives that have shaped the ways we think and live.  Explore significant ideas, people and events with insightful commentary from over seventy Christian thought leaders, including Os Guinness, Scot McKnight, Frederica Matthews-Green, Dallas Willard, Michael Behe, William Lane Craig and John Eldredge.  Topics include Bach, String Theory, French Revolution, Cyncism, U2, Rembrandt, ancient empires, Periodic Table, Picasso and many more.

Each reading concludes with guided reflection and discussion questions to help you personalize the meaning and apply it to your life. Faith and Culture inspires you to go beyond critique to creativity as you make something true, good, and beautiful out of the life and the world God has given you.

Suggested uses: Personal study, family devotions, book groups, rich material for pastors and teachers, resource for students.

Purchase here.


GodsightGodsight: Renewing the Eyes of Our Hearts

(Crossway Books 2005) Our culture continually downloads pictures into our imaginations that shape our desires—nicer houses, dream vacations, up-and-to-the-right careers and idyllic romance. When dreams shatter and disappointment settles in we may follow Jesus more out of duty than delight. Godsight helps you move beyond doubt or even mere acknowledgement that “God is good and I love him” to truly experience delight in him and joy in living for his kingdom. By sheer grace God has transformed my resignation to a life of chronic pain into an outward, kingdom-building life. From Scripture and my journey I show how God renews our vision through…

  • the clarity of pain and suffering
  • the servants he sends to cast his vision into our lives
  • a renewed mission of using our gifts to take Jesus to the world
  • seeking him with intensity and finding him face to face
  • humiliation and failure
  • a refreshed vision of eternity

Purchase here


Pilgrims progress todayPilgrim’s Progress Today; Christian’s Quest through the Modern World

(NavPress) Pilgrim’s Progress Today is an Odyssey of faith in today’s postmodern times. In this re-creation of John Bunyan’s 17th century classic, the Dump of Despond brims with the toxic waste of tabloids and broken relationships. Worldly Wiseman tells us all roads lead to the light and the Prince of Power snares his victims with tantalizing media images. It confronts head-on the messages peddled by our culture, but in an epic adventure story of real life, which is still only found on the journey from the foot of the cross to the gate of Celestial City. Families and teachers will find it an excellent resource for worldview discussions that touch not just the mind, but also the heart. Purchase here.


WorldproofingWorldproofing Your Kids; Helping Moms Prepare Their Kids to Navigate Today’s Turbulent Times

(Crossway Books) My first book has been featured in Focus on the Family and World magazines and used as a worldview curriculum resource for Summit Ministries and Focus on the Family Institute. With specific strategies and learning activities, the book equips parents to raise and answer big questions about faith and life and provides lists of resources–all  to help parents pass a Christian worldview on to their children. Please read this blog post before you purchase here.


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