The same week 50 Shades of Grey released, our friend Brooke Axtell appealed to women trapped in abuse at the 2015 Grammies. Click picture to read my post.
…you care about ideas and people
…you seek and stand for truth in the light of the gospel of grace
…you want to understand our media-driven times from a Christian worldview
…you want to be inspired to engage our culture with empathy, gratitude and generosity
…you enjoy a conversation with depth and accessibility, and occasional comic relief
…you want to determine and celebrate what you are FOR…more than what you’re against
..you have questions…and doubts, both intellectual and emotional
…you want to be inspired to create — to build in the ruins, to study, to paint, to sing, to love and nurture new life, to visit prisoners with hope, to meet urgent needs with practical help
Here you’ll find a conversation about how to thrive in the tension between your faith and today’s culture. You’ll find a great deal about this culture shift we’re all trying to navigate. And how we might nurture connections across the cultural divide.
We’ll talk about about marriage and family, sexuality, contentment, religious freedom, regret, education, digital distraction, overcoming our fears—any place we feel culture in tension with our faith and the Life God wants for us.
I spice things up with occasional posts on Cow Appreciation Day, IF: and stories like “About The Gay Bride and the Christian Photographer.” For the “best of” my blog posts click here.
Living on defense in today’s culture can be exhausting, playing whack-a-mole—consumed with beating back every e-distraction or cultural pressure to conform.
So this is a place where you can…
…refresh your wonder of God and the bigger picture—what is real and true…beautiful and meaningful
…find culture navigating strategies to help you live a more confident faith
…learn how to take a Biblical worldview down into the life of your heart
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Don’t miss the main menu buttons in the black bar across the very top of the site: “About,” “Speaking,” and the rest. “Best of” will take you to my most popular blogs. On the “Freebies” page you’ll find downloadable free resources.
For five years I co-hosted The Things That Matter Most on secular talk radio stations in Houston and Dallas where we interviewed best-selling authors, professors, scientists and surfers about what you believe and why you believe it . The “Radio Q&A” button will take you to an archive of our best programs.
I also post at Engage at Bible.org every other week, where I’ve blogged since 2009 in a collective with other women whom I deeply respect. You’ll find all my Engage blogs in chronological order here.
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We have similar interests and passion about Christian values in a distracted and distorted world.
After a long career with IBM, I now teach literature, philosophy, humanities, communications, critical thinking, film, and how these impact culture through the ages.
Thanks for connecting, Stephen. That’s quite a career change. Congratulations on taking the leap. Would enjoy seeing your comments/contributions to faith and culture discussions. Let’s stay in touch. Where do you teach?