Lent, Triumphal Entry…days teaching and healing in the temple, final words to his disciples, crucifixion and today…resurrection. In this season of reflection and entering into the story of how Jesus loved, died and lives again I close my Bible and whisper…this is exactly who I want my God to be. From my thanksgiving journal…Thank you Jesus that…
…you ride into town… the king on a donkey… the lion-like lamb
…you throw the money changers out of the temple..the lamb-like lion
…you challenge the chief priests, scribes and elders with such courage–in the temple day after day, healing and teaching and disputing with them in what they think is their house. Telling the Sadducees to their faces, “You are quite wrong.” Always respectful. Always brilliant. Again and again they challenge you and fall quiet at your knowledge of truth and Scripture and your ability to intellectually thrust and parry.
…you don’t leave us as orphans…you send the Helper to be in us…to help us abide in you and bear much fruit.
…you tell us three times, “ask and it will be given to you…You haven’t asked for anything in my name…now ASK.” You want to give.
…you give us your peace…” Let not your hearts be troubled”… Even in the face of arrest and crucifixion…” Believe!”
…you endure a charade of justice and false accusation, with dignity, deft answers and silence (and this in the middle of #boycottIndiana)
…you endure scourging, mocking, betrayal and abandonment; you endure hell–the wrath of God.
…you finish so well, so nobly, caring for others–Father forgive them; they don’t know what they’re doing, John, take care of my mother.
…you lived here with such dead aim on your purpose…
…“to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me.” (John 18:37 NIV)
…”to bring conflict! Fire upon the earth! Not peace, but a sword, turning family members against one another.” (Matt 10:34)
…“to destroy the devil’s work.” (1 John 3:8 NIV)
…”to bring Life! Life to the full. (John 10:10)
…“to preach good news to the poor.” (Isa. 61:1 NIV)
…”to proclaim freedom for prisoners and sight for the blind. (Luke 4:18)
…“to release the oppressed.” (Luke 4:18 NIV)
…“to seek and to save what was lost.” (Luke 19:10 NIV)
You came to fight for the hearts and lives of people who need you (I need you). To show us, in the bright fires of conflict, what a breathtaking treasure you are.
And for all that, I love you.
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