So many women are outraged, and rightly so, at Donald Trump’s boasting on the bus–his chauvinistic objectification of women to be kissed and groped because, by golly, he’s got star power and he can.
It’s exhibit A in the rape culture narrative that’s become very politically correct. Because it’s too often true. In today’s culture almost every woman has experienced unwanted verbal and physical sexual advances.
What better way to expose and embarrass the jerks that perpetrate them on women than to vote for Hillary? Put a woman in the ultimate place of power!
I get it. I empathize with the outrage. I’m voting out of outrage too. But it’s a very politically incorrect outrage that, sadly, isn’t much mentioned in this election.
I’m voting my outrage over the Planned Parenthood videos of last summer. How quickly we forget.
Did you watch any of them? Do you remember how sickening it was to watch abortionists seining the goo of tiny hands and brain tissue in search of a liver they could sell? How revolting it was to see PP leaders discussing how to use the best abortion technique to deliver the most baby parts or doing a negotiation dance about how much they might charge?
When the videos were released in the summer of 2015 I wrote a post about the outrage that millions of us felt at watching those videos:
Sometimes we need to be appalled. Shaken out of our apathy or generalized concern that does not translate into actions that matter far more to God. We stand in a long line of believers who read Scriptures like Proverbs 24:11-12 and ask God how he would have us respond:
‘Rescue those who are being taken away to death; hold back those who are stumbling to the slaughter. If you say, “Behold, we did not know this,” does not he who weighs the heart perceive it? Does not he who keeps watch over your soul know it, and will he not repay man according to his work?’
With these videos we’ve been handed the truth on a platter that took years of investigative journalism to prepare. Now is the time to not simply admire a man like William Wilberforce, [who exposed the evils of the slave trade] but be inspired by him. What can we do to end this human suffering?
After the release of these videos we saw many attempts to shut down Planned Parenthood’s ability to sell baby parts and even defund it. PP has fought back hard. Has any progress been made?
We saw a politically motivated jury in Houston indict David Daleiden, who made and released the videos, for his efforts to blow the whistle. In July, 2016 we saw the bogus charges dropped.
Investigations into the sales of baby body parts
We’ve seen many states investigate their local Planned Parenthood facilities for evidence of selling baby parts. But no charges have been filed.
However, the House empaneled the Energy & Commerce Committee’s Select Investigative Panel, chaired by Rep. Marsha Blackburn. In the first half of 2016, the Panel has uncovered a for-profit business model for fetal body parts harvesting at some of the largest Planned Parenthood affiliates in the country as well as the use of invalid consent forms with false representations to pregnant women and other violations of federal law.
Less than a week after the Panel was chartered, Planned Parenthood announced a “policy” change to no longer receive payments for supplying fetal tissue–after 3 months of insisting that these payments were completely legal and acceptable.
The fight to defund Planned Parenthood
The videos have energized a movement to deny federal funding to Planned Parenthood. In August 2015 Louisiana passed legislation that ended Louisiana’s contract with Planned Parenthood to treat Medicaid patients. Planned Parenthood sued, and in September, a federal appeals court ordered Louisiana to continue PP’s funding.
According to Life News, “Even though hundreds of other health care options exist for the small number of women who get non-abortion health care at Planned Parenthood, the judges agreed with Planned Parenthood’s claim that de-funding it would somehow strip them of their health care.”
In March, 2016 Florida cut off funding to any Florida Clinics that provide abortion, but in August a federal court permanently blocked the law. Kansas has also been blocked from cutting federal funds to Planned Parenthood.
In September, 2015 the US House voted to prohibit Planned Parenthood for receiving any federal Medicaid funds for one year while their practices were scrutinized. But in February 2, 2016, the House failed to override President Obama’s veto.
Furthermore, in September 2016 President Obama’s administration announced a new regulation that would force states to give federal family planning funds to Planned Parenthood and other abortionists.
Supreme Court Decision
In another landmark abortion decision, in 2013 Texas passed legislation to require abortion providers to protect women’s health by complying with the kinds of medical and safety standards that legitimate medical centers meet. When Planned Parenthood sued, a federal appeals court upheld the law. But in June 2016, the Supreme Court struck down the Texas law.
Justice Clarence Thomas slammed the Court’s tendency “to bend the rules when any effort to limit abortion, or even to speak in opposition to abortion, is at issue.”
What are we prepared to do?
We should weep with women in crisis pregnancies. We should be there with practical help and prayer support. We should assure them that Jesus heals and forgives. We are also commanded to rescue those being taken away to death.
If we were outraged at the PP videos, we should be even more outraged at these decisions and many more by the courts and a Democratic president.
Hillary is committed to defending Planned Parenthood and abortion on demand. Even partial birth abortion. Even rolling back the Hyde amendment so that our tax dollars will be used to pay for them.
When asked on Meet the Press when unborn children have constitutional rights, Clinton replied, “The unborn person doesn’t have constitutional rights.” She believes that religious beliefs that keep people from supporting abortion rights “have to be changed.”
For his many faults, Donald Trump has made four major commitments to defending life:
Nominating pro-life justices to the U.S. Supreme Court
Signing into law the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, which would end painful late-term abortions nationwide
Defunding Planned Parenthood as long as they continue to perform abortions, and reallocating their funding to community health centers that provide comprehensive health care for women
Making the Hyde Amendment permanent law to protect taxpayers from having to pay for abortions
The politically correct outrage over Trump’s history with women is a big, hot, recent mess. The outrage over the Planned Parenthood videos was never as widely shared by our culture. And it has had time to cool. But the blood of 300,000 innocents a year cries out from the Planned Parenthood ground.
I will vote my outrage over their tiny hands and no-longer-beating hearts in a pyrex dish. Maybe, if we all did, we could actually roll back this tide of death and destruction.
Featured image courtesy of Graphic Stock.
While both are an assault on human dignity, what provokes more outrage for you? Men making unwanted sexual advances or abortionists taking the lives of unborn infants? Please share your response in the comment section below…
Our nation has bloody hands. I’m outraged over PP, the abortion industry and all who try to defend it!
I am voting Trump for the reasons you state. I struggled at first but after thinking about it, yes I think killing babies and infanticide are much more of a concern to God. I think God knows our hearts and we aren’t voting for Trump because we approve of how he views women, or because he’s a narcissist, but to save lives. Hillary would okay a bill making it legal to kill babies right after they are born. That’s where the Democrat party is heading. Voting for a third party candidate is great but it isn’t wise.
I’m with you, Kathy. I’m voting for a future, an administration and a future for many, many babies.
I hope you know that what you are saying about Hilary Clinton is untrue? She said, her words: “abortion should be legal, safe and rare”. Abortion rates went way down under Obama administration. They were at their highest under Bush Jr.
I really wish you listened more to unbiased media. Abortions are always down under Democratic presidents. The closing of PP clinics is terrible because it hits the hardest the women who need it most, those with no access to free contraceptions. Those poorer and those with many children already. My son went to protest at Trump rally yesterday. The chant that the supporters were chanting was “grab her by the p***y”, meaning Hilary Clinton. This is the country you will be handing down to your daughters, granddaughters, and their daughters. The number of assaults is already up just during this election cycle. Especially on campuses, among young men, trump supporters. They feel vindicated and encouraged. The worst scum is coming out. Pope Francis spoke yesterday against building walls. The Pope is against Trump. I know that I will not change your vote, but I hope to make you think hard and honest about the choice you are making. And give Hilary Clinton a chance when she is elected. A woman who is smart, hard working, who devoted her life to help others, especially children, who are often left uncared for. She is NOT a baby killer, she is a baby saver and wants abortion to be as rare as possible but also wants it to be woman’s choice.
Actually, Meg it was her husband Bill who coined the phrase “Abortion should be safe, legal and rare.” But we haven’t heard her say “rare” in years. Instead we hear that women should have “increasing access to family planning services.” In July, Planned Parenthood Vice President Dawn Laguens praised Clinton as the “strongest” pro-abortion nominee “we’ve ever seen.” She is the most pro-abortion candidate, tighter with PP, than any other presidential candidate.
Well, you got your wish. Alleged child rapist ( did you know that?), misogynist, homophobe, anti-semitic, racist, unqualified man was chosen the President. History will judge you harshly.. I am saving the screen posts of our conversation to look at it in a few years time with dubious satisfaction that I was right in rejecting him.
Thank you, Lael, for an excellent article! Although I plan to vote for Trump, I do wonder how much he can do to stop abortion. It is so ingrained into the fabric of our culture and we consumers make it very profitable for big business corporations to continue to use aborted fetal tissue in the production of their vaccines, cosmetics, processed “food” and other manufactured products.
I wonder too, Lisa. As i commented on FB, I do believe that Hillary will promote the cultural consensus that encourages abortion on demand and no respect for the life of the unborn child. It grieves me to see the veneer of respectability that she and Richards lend to abortion. At least Trump would not offer that kind of cover.
But, Erin. The abortion videos that surfaced last year are positively not made at PP! It was debunked and disproved many times over. The lady writing this article really counts on people to not know it. Trump has never been pro life. Im against abortion but in choosing Trump we are placing in unborn child ahead of millions of Americans, black, Jewish, other faiths. You are placing a man who has no respect for any form of human life, born or unborn, as the head of this nation. I understand how important abortion issue is to many people but this is not a normal election. This is international crisis. The man is unfit to hold this office.
Appreciate your respectful response, Meg. The original uncut, unedited videos are available at the website at Center for Medical Progress. The edited versions that have been “debunked” only edited out waiting times and bathroom breaks. They are authentic. How can it not be authentic to listen to these doctors like Nucatella in their own words? And why did Planned Parenthood apologize if they are not authentic?
The organization you mention is an anti-abortion organization. Therefore biased. I’m always looking at the unbiased sites when researching something. The video on that website you mentioned it’s not completely truthful it is edited. please read this.
Also you are not pro-life if you ignore all the lives that Donald Trump is ruining, has ruined in the past. He does not value human life. He is just playing politics. He will speak of unborn babies in moving terms and then he goes on and belittles Blacks Jewish people invalids, parents of the fallen soldier, people of other faiths and people of other nationalities. In Donald Trump world you have to be white and beautiful and slim (if you’re a woman). This is not pro-life this is pro birth. If you go to any unbiased fact checking website you will notice the statistics that say every time the country had the Democratic president abortion rates went down, out of wedlock rates went down. Every time we had republican pro-life president and Republican Congress the rates of abortion went up, out of wedlock birth rates went up. If you read and research only the sites that feature conservative and pro-life movement you will not get the whole picture. Please dig into unbiased and politicaly unaffiliated websites like factcheck or politifact. Your eyes might open